# A Perforce Client Specification.
#  Client:      The client name.
#  Update:      The date this specification was last modified.
#  Access:      The date this client was last used in any way.
#  Owner:       The user who created this client.
#  Host:        If set, restricts access to the named host.
#  Description: A short description of the client (optional).
#  Root:        The base directory of the client workspace.
#  AltRoots:    Up to two alternate client workspace roots.
#  Options:     Client options:
#                      [no]allwrite [no]clobber [no]compress
#                      [un]locked [no]modtime [no]rmdir
#  LineEnd:     Text file line endings on client: local/unix/mac/win/share.
#  View:        Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.
# Use 'p4 help client' to see more about client views and options.

Client:	hunbalazsfejes2

Update:	2004/01/24 13:35:57

Access:	2004/02/01 14:42:18

Owner:	fbalazs

Host:	hunbalazsfejes2

	Created by fbalazs.

Root:	c:\work

Options:	noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir

LineEnd:	local

	//work/attache/... //hunbalazsfejes2/attache/...
	//work/city/... //hunbalazsfejes2/city/...